- The longer the stain has been left on the fabric the harder it is to remove, as the dyes in a stain react with the structure of the fabric and can react with the colours and dyes of the fabric itself.
- Oxidised stains or hard-set stains cannot generally be removed, as they are the by-product of the reaction of the staining agent exposed to oxygen. Depending on the type of fabric, stability of the dye and the construction of the garment, Jeeves has had some success with removing oxidised stains however, in most cases its extremely tough to undo any oxidisation as the structure and pigment of the fabric has been permanently altered.
- The best home remedy that we suggest is only to blot with towels and never rub a stain. If you must, use cold water when blotting, then take your garment to your favourite dry cleaner to perform Spotting (hand stain removal).
- Using consumer stain removal products, baking soda, soda water, lemons, salt etc. It may provide temporary solutions or make matters worse as it could cause a chemical reaction or fabric damage.
- Silk stains generally cannot be removed by hand.
- Make sure all your garments are cleaned prior to storage. “Invisible stains” like white wine or champagne might not show up for weeks or months, but once the sugars react with the oxygen and humidity the invisible stain them becomes brown and near impossible to remove.
- Knowing what the stain is can help your dry cleaner when performing hand stain removal.
The Jeeves Team